When thinking about your financial future, what you spend on your electricity should be something you're conscious of. Instead of shipping your hard-earned money to your utility company, you can instead be paying YOURSELF and paving the way to financial freedom for you and your family!
A Big Part of Financial Freedom is Having Your Heart and Mind Free of the What-Ifs of Life
We're Looking Forward to Serving You!
Call Us: 856-371-2234
FAQ: "Is Solar Energy Really Worth It?"
Overall, it can reduce your reliance on utility companies and yearly increases to your utility costs and empower you to independently maintain and monitor your energy usage and save money. As an additional benefit, homeowners who have chosen to install solar power systems reduce their overall carbon footprint while increasing their home's valuation.
Joseph Enright, CEO
Joe started serving residents of the State of New Jersey in 2010 with his well-known tree company, Enright's Tree Service. Joe takes pride in his business, his work and his clients!
Give Us 10% Of Your Trust, And We'll Earn The Rest!
A Family-Owned Company that Delivers Industry Leading Customer Service and Pricing
Family Owned since 2010
We are a state certified Solar Installer, Roofing Contractor and Tree Removal Company all in one!
Eliminate Your Electric Bill Up To 100%
Own Your Electricity Rather Than Buying From Someone Else!